Photo by Nina Subin

Anne Waldman

Photo by Nina Subin

Anne Waldman is the author of numerous volumes of poetry, including the feminist epic The Iovis Trilogy: Colors in the Mechanism of Concealment, which won the PEN Center USA Award for Poetry in 2012. Other books include Bard, Kinetic; Trickster Feminism; Voice’s Daughter of a Heart Yet to Be Born, Manatee/Humanity; Gossamurmur; Jaguar Harmonics; and the anthologies Cross Worlds: Transcultural Poetics (co-edited with Laura Wright) and New Weathers: Poetics from the Naropa Archive (co-edited with Emma Gomis). She is the recipient of many awards including the Shelley Memorial Award, a Guggenheim fellowship, the Before Columbus Foundation Lifetime Achievement Award, and is a former chancellor of the Academy of American Poets.

Waldman was one of the founders of the Poetry Project at St. Mark’s Church and, with Diane di Prima and Allen Ginsberg, founded the celebrated Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics at Naropa University in Boulder, the first Buddhist-inspired university in the West, where she continued as director for many years and now curates the Summer Writing Program. She has taught and presented at schools, conferences, and festivals worldwide.

  • 2017