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Photo courtesy of Zaia Alexander

Zaia Alexander

Photo courtesy of Zaia Alexander

Zaia Alexander is a writer and literary translator based in Potsdam, Germany. Her publications include Wende Kids: A New Generation of German Authors, “Primo Levi and Translation” in the Cambridge Companion to Primo Levi, “The Translator’s Diary” in Suitcase: A Journal for Transcultural Traffic, and “The Danube Exodus: the Rippling Currents of the River” (coauthored with Marsha Kinder) in Future Cinema: The Cinematic Imaginary after Film (MIT). Her translations include the novel Snowed Under by Antje Rávic Strubel (Red Hen Press) and a selection of short stories which have appeared in numerous anthologies and journals. She holds a Ph.D. in Germanic Languages and Literature from UCLA, and was formerly Director of Programs at the Villa Aurora in Pacific Palisades, California.

  • 2008