Eastern Navajo Diné Against Uranium Mining

Eastern Navajo Diné Against Uranium Mining (ENDAUM) is working to stop the construction and operation of three new uranium solution mines in Navajo communities in northwestern New Mexico.

Individuals from this organization are concerned about the impacts of proposed uranium solution mining on the Crownpoint region’s sole source of drinking water, the Westwater Canyon Aquifer. The aquifer supplies water to 15,000 people in this arid region. ENDAUM is also concerned about the effects of releases of radioactive materials on people who live in Crownpoint within a mile of a proposed central processing plant. The proposed uranium processing plant, located in the village of Crownpoint near schools, churches, and homes, also poses a risk of air contamination.

ENDAUM has engaged the services of scientific and legal experts who are testifying about the dangers of the proposed mine in hearings before the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.